Digital Asset Strategy - Sean Farrell

In the dynamic world of digital assets, Fundstrat's Digital Asset strategy is at the forefront, providing clear-cut insights into the cryptocurrency market. Leveraging our macro strategy's strong foundation, we bring our expertise to bear to dissect the nuances of the crypto ecosystem. Whether you're keen on understanding trends, potential flash points, or seeking actionable crypto investment ideas, our Digital Asset strategy delivers comprehensive guidance.

About the Strategist

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Sean Farrell – Head of Digital Asset Strategy

Sean Farrell is the Head of Digital Asset Strategy at Fundstrat Global Advisors. Prior to joining Fundstrat, Sean was a manager in the Transaction Opinions group at Alvarez & Marsal, and also worked as an associate with Anvil Advisors. Sean holds a B.S. in Finance from Lehigh University.

Our Approach

Market Dynamics and Capital Flows

  • Real-time updates and analysis on regulatory changes in major jurisdictions and how they might impact the crypto ecosystem

Cryptocurrency Valuation Models

  • Development and presentation of new and evolving valuation models tailored specifically to various cryptocurrencies, ensuring investors understand the intrinsic and speculative values of their holdings

Technical Analysis

  • Examination of price charts, patterns, and historical data to predict future price movements and identify key support and resistance levels

Blockchain Technology Updates

  • In-depth analysis of advancements in blockchain technology, network upgrades (e.g. forks or halvings) and their potential market implications

Regulatory and Compliance Landscape

  • Real-time updates and analysis on regulatory changes in major jurisdictions, and how they might impact the crypto ecosystem

Security and Risk Management

  • Comprehensive guidelines on best practices for securing digital assets, understanding smart contract vulnerabilities, and navigating the decentralized finance (DeFi) space

Global Macroeconomic Impact

  • Analysis of how global economic conditions, monetary policies, and geopolitical events might influence the crypto market

Crypto Derivatives and Financial Instruments

  • Insight into the growing world of crypto derivatives, futures, options, and how these financial instruments can be used in hedging and trading strategies

Sentiment Analysis

  • Using social media, news sources, and other online platforms to gauge market sentiment and its potential impact on crypto prices

Inter-Chain and Cross-Chain Developments

  • Exploration of inter-operability solutions, cross-chain platforms, and how they could shape the future of the decentralized ecosystem

Project and Token Analysis

  • Detailed research into new and existing projects, ICOs, token sales, and their potential for success, utility, and growth

Liquidity and Exchange Dynamics

  • Monitoring liquidity pools, major exchange inflows and outflows, and the implications of major liquidations or whale activities

Research and Coverage


Weekly Strategy

Delve deep into our strategic analysis where we scrutinize weekly trends, market movements, and vital data points to outline practical strategies for navigating the ever-evolving cryptocurrency landscape.

How the US Could Adopt BTC as a Strategic Reserve Asset, Look for ETH to Bottom Within Next Few Trading Days

Many are focused on the presidential race, and for good reason. However, it seems to me that the industry is perhaps too focused on the presidency and not enough on Congress. Should the GOP lose the White House but gain control of...

Sean Farrell - July 25, 2024


Dive into real-time market insights with Sean Farrell as he navigates through crucial market dynamics and events pivotal to the crypto ecosystem. Stay informed, stay ahead.

Sean Farrell
Sean Farrell
Head of Digital Asset Strategy

Just a heads up for $ETHE shareholders, your positions are not actually marked 10% below NAV, as pricing data would suggest. Grayscale is spinning off 10% of the AUM in ETHE to contribute to its lower-fee mini #ETH ETF. These shares will...

Jul 18
10:52 AM
Sean Farrell
Sean Farrell
Head of Digital Asset Strategy

This morning, Kraken confirmed that it has received Bitcoin (#BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (#BCH) transfers from the Mt. Gox Rehabilitation Trustee and will distribute these funds to creditors within 7-14 days. The Trustee announced that over 13,000 creditors have been repaid, with...

Jul 16
9:47 AM

Weekly Roadmap

End your week with our Weekly Roadmap, a summary that encapsulates our expert views and closing remarks for the week. This digest melds all market happenings and our insights into one coherent context, ensuring you're well-informed and ready for the week ahead.

Small-caps Rise Amidst Large-Tech Selloff

“Each one of us has a fire in our heart for something. It's our goal in life to find it and keep it lit.” ― Mary Lou Retton, Olympic gymnast and gold medalist

July 26, 2024

Funding Fridays

Often, the best way to understand where the industry is heading is to follow the money. Funding Friday aims to bring you up to speed on the latest deals in the crypto industry. Get up to speed on the latest in crypto capital markets and discover emerging projects before they reach the mainstream.

Data-Centric Projects Trending

Weekly funding fell by 34% from $126 million to $83 million, while deal count rose approximately 22% from 18 to 22. Infrastructure was the leading category, totaling $51 million across nine deals and comprising 61% of total funding....

July 19, 2024
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Tom Couture
Vice President of Digital Asset Strategy

Liquid Ventures

A recurring research note focused on delivering unique insights into high-risk investment opportunities within the crypto ecosystem, primarily centered on early-stage or small-cap tokens.


The creation of the internet has had a significant impact on how enterprises are run and managed. Prior to the internet, companies were required to invest in on-premises infrastructure such as physical hardware, servers, networking equipment, and software...

June 24, 2024
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Tom Couture
Vice President of Digital Asset Strategy

Deep Research

Go deep into the world of cryptocurrency with our exhaustive research reports, where we cover a range of topics from market analysis, technological advancements, regulatory changes, and more, providing you with in-depth insights as a basis for informed decisions.

Blockchain Investment Group

Founded in February 2018, Blockchain Investment Group (BIG) is a fund of funds that identifies, evaluates, and manages investments in crypto and blockchain hedge funds. BIG leverages deep industry connections, a proven manager selection process, and prioritizes diversification...

April 9, 2024
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Tom Couture
Vice President of Digital Asset Strategy


Appearances Media Archives

Our researchers frequently appear across various media outlets, sharing their technical analysis and market insights. Our extensive archive ensures you have access to these valuable resources at your fingertips.

Video: What Global Liquidity Conditions Mean For Crypto Market Performance (Sean Farrell)

1 year ago

Sample Reports

The Game Is Changing

While we maintain that macro conditions are still the most critical factor in assessing the medium/long-term trajectory of BTC prices, daily returns of the leading cryptoasset continue to exhibit a lack of defined correlation with any major macro...

February 16, 2024
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Sean Farrell
Head of Digital Asset Strategy

Initial Thoughts Post-ETF

The past week has marked a pivotal moment in the evolution of the crypto industry, a testament to the remarkable journey of an asset class that emerged from a distrubuted community of open source software developers just 15...

January 11, 2024
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Sean Farrell
Head of Digital Asset Strategy

Latest Publications

Coinbase Premium Encouraging Sign for ETH, ONMD Buys BTC for Corporate Treasury

After another day of sizeable outflows from $ETHE, the Grayscale-issued ETF now retains just 85% of the AUM it began with on Tuesday. However, crypto has rallied strongly since the US market closed yesterday, with #BTC briefly moving...

July 26, 2024
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Sean Farrell
Head of Digital Asset Strategy

PCE and BTC Conference Could Catalyze Strength into August

In today's video, we analyze the recent downturn in crypto markets and highlight pivotal events that could reignite the rally.

July 25, 2024
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Sean Farrell
Head of Digital Asset Strategy

How the US Could Adopt BTC as a Strategic Reserve Asset, Look for ETH to Bottom Within Next Few Trading Days

Many are focused on the presidential race, and for good reason. However, it seems to me that the industry is perhaps too focused on the presidency and not enough on Congress. Should the GOP lose the White House...

July 25, 2024
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Sean Farrell
Head of Digital Asset Strategy

Overnight Liquidations Pull Market Lower, AAVE Weighs Fee Switch

Crypto was certainly looking strong relative to equities yesterday until Asian market hours commenced. Shortly after the HK market opened, we saw increased sell pressure and approximately $100 million in liquidations across all crypto assets, bringing #BTC down...

July 25, 2024
reserach-mark image
Sean Farrell
Head of Digital Asset Strategy

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