Over 80% of all managed assets worldwide read our research

A top-tier research boutique, Fundstrat delivers strategic market insights rooted in objective, evidence-based analysis. With a collective Wall Street experience spanning over a century, our team brings clarity and confidence to every market assessment.

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Institutional Client Services

Fundstrat is uniquely positioned to support the strategy of hedge funds and institutional money managers, harnessing our unparalleled expertise to provide actionable insights, strategies, and tailored solutions that resonate with their sophisticated needs. Equipped to amplify your investing prowess and drive your institution's growth, Fundstrat is the trusted partner of banks and hedge funds seeking a competitive edge.

Our Research

Macro Strategy

Thomas J. Lee, CFA

Technical Strategy

Mark L. Newton, CMT

Portfolio Strategy

Thomas J. Lee, CFA

Quantitative Strategy

Ken Xuan, CFA, FRM

U.S. Policy

L . Thomas Block

Digital Asset Strategy

Sean Farrell

Sector and Stock Recommendations

Latest Research

Trump vs. Harris, House Goes Home

Last Sunday, the political world was shaken by the announcement by President Biden that he would not accept the Democratic Presidential nomination. The President then went on to endorse his Vice President, Kamala Harris.  Harris quickly consolidated her...

July 26, 2024
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L. Thomas Block
Washington Policy Strategist

PCE important Fri. Small-caps $IWM just generated a signal only seen 10 times since 1979 and almost always "early cycle" signal with 100% win-ratio 3M, 6M and 12M later (90% 1M).

VIDEO: Small-caps just generated a very important quantitative signal, moving >1% in 11 of the last 12 trading sessions.  This has only happened at the start of a major advance for $IWM. (duration: 4:15).

July 25, 2024
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Thomas Lee
Head of Research

Here’s why this initial decline should prove Short-lived

SPX and QQQ broke support on Wednesday, showing the largest Percentage declines since 2022.  While I expect that SPX is nearing the next serious level of support, just above 5400, it’s going to be important to see US...

July 24, 2024
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Mark L. Newton, CMT
Head of Technical Strategy

VIDEO FLASH: The painful selloff Wed highlights that small-cap rotation is underway, we would buy the dip in "summer of small caps"

VIDEO: The selling Wednesday is overdone. And when the dust settles, we are buying the dip. But the more compelling case remains small-caps and we are buying this "summer of small caps" dip.

July 24, 2024
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Thomas Lee
Head of Research
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Annual Market Outlooks

At Fundstrat, we understand the need for institutions to stay ahead of the market. Our annual outlooks, covering all research verticals, offer a clear overview of expected market trends. Accompanied by mid-year updates, these forecasts ensure that institutions have the timely insights needed to adjust their strategies, promoting robust decision-making throughout the year.

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The Benefits of Partnership

We believe that the most successful strategies are born of collaborative efforts. Partner with us for a bespoke blend of high-quality research and strategic insights tailored to your specific needs. Our partnership goes beyond simple reports: we commit ourselves to your success and work with you hand in hand to turn market challenges into investment opportunities.

Sector Positioning and Strategy

We go beyond mere analysis, offering targeted sector positioning and curated stock lists geared toward immediate action. Recognizing the specialized mandates and strategies of hedge funds and banks, our research pinpoints not just opportunities, but actionable pathways tailored to institutional needs. Steeped in rigorous analysis spanning multiple research dimensions, our insights allow financial firms to seamlessly integrate our recommendations, fortifying their strategies and staying ahead of market dynamics.

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Client Portal

When creating our extensive research library, we stressed easy accessibility and seamless navigation. That’s why we offer a comprehensive library of tools designed to help our clients quickly locate pertinent information and put it to use. Central to this is our client dashboard – a user-friendly interface clients use to access, track, and manage all our insights, the better to leverage Fundstrat’s research in their decision-making.

Webinars and Conference Attendance

As part of our aim to provide comprehensive analysis and unparalleled insights, we host over 20 webinars annually. These sessions range from exclusive talks by guest speakers renowned in the financial world to in-depth explorations of technical strategies and macro trends. We also curate webinars addressing real-time market happenings or emergent financial events.

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Latest Webinars

Wed, Aug 14 11:00 ET

Hyperion Decimus: A Diversified Quantitative Digital Asset Manager

New Acheilus Fund – In addition to Hyperion’s flagship Libertas Fund, learn about Hyperion’s new Acheilus Fund, a joint venture with CoinDesk offering investors a liquid systematic strategy leveraging proprietary trending, alpha, and macroeconomic signals. Hyperion Performance Update – Explore Hyperion’s sophisticated investment strategies, which utilize machine learning and a data-driven approach to provide market veterans with unique insights. What to Expect in 2H 2024 – Listen to lively market commentary discussing the Ethereum ETF, the latest regulatory developments, potential market tailwinds, and where asset prices may be at year-end.

Tom Lee
Sean Farrell

Head of Digital Asset Strategy

Tom Lee
Chris Sullivan

Co-Founder & Co-Portfolio Manager, Hyperion Decimus

Tom Lee
Andy Baehr, CFA

Head of Product, CoinDesk Indices

Thu, Sep 5 11:00 ET

Technology & AI Outlook with Tom Lee & Dan Ives - September 2024

Tom Lee
Thomas Lee

Head of Research

Tom Lee
Dan Ives

Managing Director, Equity Research at Wedbush Securities

Idea Calls

Ensuring a seamless synergy between our insights and your strategies, our dedicated sales team stands ready to coordinate idea calls directly with our analysts. These sessions are designed as in-depth discussions of our findings, allowing clients to align our research with their unique strategies and targets. By facilitating this direct dialogue, we ensure that your investment decisions are both informed and custom, resonating with the latest actionable market intelligence.

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Institutional Passes: Amplifying Strategic Partnerships

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Bespoke Research

Sample of Tailored Research Solutions on Demand:

Download a Sample Report of Inflation Data

Upon special request – and coordinated via our sales team – we provide bespoke research for clients. Whether it’s to adjust existing models, consult on specific market conundrums, or develop new predictive frameworks, our team stands ready to offer expert insight and advice. Our aim is to ensure that our clients have the tools and knowledge they need to achieve their goals.

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Client Calls

Consistent communication is key to a successful partnership, which is why we host monthly calls to discuss our latest research and align our products with your evolving goals. Each call is an open dialogue, aiming for a better understanding of the market and your place in it.

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